My Passion for Shifting Global Consciousness

embodied mentoring tranformational leadership Mar 31, 2021

Have you ever wondered why people are so resistant to change, and why they would rather stay stuck where they are, rather than do something different? The truth is that this is a reflection of the world we live in, and resistance to change is a global, systemic problem. The solution is shifting global consciousness.

I want to share my personal experience of coming to understand the nature of transformation, and the inspiration for founding Aligned Vibration as a platform that at its core has a mission to transform global consciousness. 

Back at university I was really into politics. I worked for the Green Party and was campaigning door-to-door during local and national elections. Although I believed the Green Party had truly progressive policies that could change the world for the better, I soon realized they had no chance of getting elected, so I shifted my support to the Labour Party. When I first started supporting the Labour Party, a new progressive one-in-a-generation kind of leader was elected. At the time I believed that politics could truly solve our national and global problems, and naively believed that people would choose the kind of leader that puts people's interests first, above the interest of huge multinational corporations and international war politics. 

Well guess what? In my absolute disbelief, people were voting out of fear, racism and a belief that a new progressive world was an unattainable reality one must not aim for in virtue of remaining safe. The idea of change was scarier than the grim reality that most countries in the world experience extreme inequality, racism and outdated social and economic systems that do not reflect the academic and the scientific progress that we have achieved in the last 50 years. People were arguing left and right that any new system wasn’t going to work, any new leader aspiring to create change was going to fail, and therefore it was safer to give away more power, accept poorer economic conditions and vote for more debt than to choose change. 

The burning questions that kept bothering me were: Why can’t people see the possibility for a new world that I could see? Why don’t people want to vote for this new world during general elections, or daily with the money that they spend, or hourly with the actions that they take? And most importantly why are people so afraid and resistant to change? Why would the majority of the world's population defend fear-based systems that are not serving them and those they love, that keep them trapped in cycles of poor economic, mental, physical, and societal wellbeing? 

It was then that I realised that politics cannot be the whole answer to our global and individual challenges. Take the example of communism in Russia. A system that at the core was derived from Hegels’ beautiful phenomenology of consciousness, a spiritual philosophy that acknowledges the evolutionary path that is possible for human consciousness. It was then poorly thought out as a political system by Karl Marx, and finally barbarically implemented as a dictatorship by multiple Russian leaders and imposed on a society whose consciousness was still anchored within division, individual disempowerment and survival fear. This resulted in a genocide, oppression and corruption that still runs the country today. 

It dawned on me that we cannot impose a new political system on people who are not consciously ready for it. And unless we transform the global consciousness, no matter what leader or system we have, we will end up with more of the same! Not only do people vote for leaders, but people collectively also have power to shift the direction of national and global policies, create trends that inspire new politics and empower new movements. All collective change starts an individual change that must happen within. Without a shift of individual consciousness within a critical mass of people, there cannot be a collective shift! 

This experience made me very passionate about shifting global consciousness out of a state of fear, division and dis-empowerment. With time, I have realised that political arguments are often futile; as all systems, leaders and policies are often flawed at the core, they are extremely subjective, aim to benefit a specific group of people, and created to trigger fear based, divisive and dis-empowering states of consciousness in order to appealing to the masses. 

How does this connect to the world of online content and marketing? Politics, just like marketing, is built on Edward’s Brenes research into the subconscious. Just like politics, most mainstream marketing systems talk to the ego self that is always in a state of not-enoughness, scarcity and self-centeredness. We cannot truly know what is best for humanity until, as Albert Einstein said, we realise that, “We cannot solve the problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”. 

We need to choose to shift our own consciousness on the individual level, and become role models and leaders for inspiring this change on a bigger scale. We will achieve nothing if we continue imposing ego centred arguments of the logical minds, which often achieve nothing more than a self-righteous attitude, rather we need to show what is possible of human potential, in all its glory. Once we commit to and master our own transformation, we can begin to share those principles with others so that they too can become a master of their own transformation. This in my opinion is the most effective way for transforming the world as a whole.

Through the work that we do inside the Aligned Vibration platform, we embody these principles by supporting our clients and co-creating truly transformational student experiences, that go beyond strategies and dogmas. We do not believe that change is about positioning one path as best above all, but rather helping experts understand the individuality and the individual needs of all their students. We believe in creating frameworks for change that do not discriminate against individual needs, preferences and values. True transformation acknowledges that there is no right path, no one truth and no one way. 

As we evolve our own company, our question always remains… How can we best empower individuals to use systems and processes with discernment, and find their own path within any program that they participate in? And how can we in turn empower our own clients to find new ways to support them on their journey.


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